

forgot but found

 found this old blog after 4 years of being abandoned, kinda weird, like looking at a ghost towm. anyways let start anew and see where this goes.


my life in ten years

Well i can't really say what it really be like but i have an idea of what it'll be. Most likely i'll be in the military but imma go to a college to study on being an animator and continue practicing my skill of drawing and maybe it'll led me to a job working with Pixar! (hopefully). But life is full of uncertainty.


Who would i meet

If i had the chance to meet someone it'd probably the the inventor of the saxophone, Antoine-Joseph "Adolphe" Sax. I would want to meet him because i love playing the alto saxophone and ask him how he came to the idea of inventing it.


who would i vote for

None, i really dont care abut the election anymore but i would want john kasich to win. its better then sanders, clinton, and trump.